Dr. von Lockette is moving to UMBC!!
Dr. von Lockette has started at UMBC (fall 2023) in the department off Mechanical Engineering. A new university with new oppurtunities...

Dr. von Lockette is teaching Computational Tools (ME330) at Penn State
Dr. von Lockette is teaching the Computational Tools class at penn state this year. The class is wholly online. You can find link to...

Our NEW 3D Clay Printer
After an 8 month wait (darn that COVID) we received our new printer. Christian Bergen (PHD expected 2024) lead the build with help from...

Niknam Presents at SPIE
March 2021 - Dr. Niknam Momenzedah, post doc in the MACS Lab, presented his work “Modeling and simulations of a novel magnetorheological...

Christian Presents at SPIE
March 2021 - Christian Bergen (PHD expected 2024) presented his work at the virtual SPIE conference on "Design of Magnetic...
Denise Passes Her Comprehensive Exam
January 2021 - Denise Widdowson (PHD Expected 2023) Passed her comprehensive exams. She is now ABD (all but dissertation)!!! ...

NSF-Sponsored Collaboration with BioMagnetic Solution
November 2021: The NSF has awarded Denise Widdowson (PHD expected 2023) with an INTERN award to work with Biomagnetic Solutions in State...

NSF-Sponsored Data Science Research
December 2021: Dr. von Lockette was awarded one of NSF's data science supplements to research how data science techniques can augment...

Check Out Our YouTube Channel
Actuated structures are best understand by seeing them in action. Our YouTube Channel hosts videos of some of our devices. Check it our...

MACS Lab Awarded $0.5M from NSF
The MACS Lab, working in collaboration with Dr. Zoubeida Ounaies (https://www.mne.psu.edu/emcl/) was awarded $496K from teh National...